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Taipei County is in the northern part of Taiwan with a jurisdiction of 2,952 square kilometers. The population of Taipei County, which is the biggest county in Taiwan, is 3.85 million people. Taipei County includes 10 cities and 19 towns. In urban areas, high-rise buildings and crowned people challenge firefighters; in the rural areas, mountains, rivers, and streams are the major challenges. Thus, Taipei County Fire Bureau, or TCFB, has to respond to many types of problems, including fires, floods, mountain rescues, and mud slides. Some local severe incidentssuch as “Lincoln Village Collapse”, “Doctors Condo Collapse”, “Oriental Science Park Fire”, and “Double Happiness Community Fire”were even causing national-wide concern.

臺北縣政府消防局於民國8771正式成立。9610月臺北縣升格準直轄市後,消防局組織隨之擴編,編制員額從1,657人增加至3,500人,置局長1人、副局長2人、主任秘書1人, 設有火災預防科、危險物品管理科、災害搶救科、災害管理科、火災調查科、教育訓練科、緊急救護科、民力運用科等8科;督察室、秘書室、人事室、會計室、政風室等5室;救災救護指揮中心、車輛保養中心等2中心;並依本縣轄區特性,設9個救災救護大隊、18個中隊及1個特搜大隊,執行消防救災與緊急救護為民服務工作,並於局本部設一、二層非主管幕僚職務,以及在各科、室、中心、大隊下分設股、組,使組織層級更加綿密,分層負責展現工作效率。

OS: The TCFB was established on July first, 1998. Following the upgrade of Taipei County Government in October 2007, the amount of staff members of the TCFB expanded from 1,257 to 3,500. A fire chief with 2 deputy fire chiefs leads the fire bureau. Under a secretary in general, there are 8 divisionswhich are in charge of fire prevention, hazardous materials management, disaster rescue, disaster management, fire investigation, Education and trainings, emergency medical service, and volunteer management 5 officeswhich are responsible for inspection, general affairs, human resource, accounting, and ethics 2 centers for fire apparatus maintenance, and dispatch. All firefighters in the TCFB are assigned to 9 fire battalions, 18 companies, and an Urban Search and Rescue Team (or USRT) to respond fire, EMS, and other civil services calls. All divisions and battalions in the TCFB are lead by a division or battalion chief, and are separated to many sections. The section leaders work closely with a division or battalion chief providing better and more effective services to our citizens.

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